Make a donation

Your donations allow us to keep growing and scaling our forests, and it could not be done without you.

Using the link above you can donate to our General Fund, which helps with big things like keeping our ecologists and project managers employed, and odd costs like making sure the team is first aid certified. It provides us with all sorts of equipment, from tree planting bags, brushcutters, and post wackers. Donations to this fund are massively welcomed, but we also offer some restricted donation options if you want to know exactly where your money is going.

Land Fund

We buy low quality farmland to convert into woodland, and ancient woodlands that need restoration (like High Wood). This allows us to create vibrant ecosystems, to sequester carbon and give wildlife a fighting chance. More importantly it means we can ensure the ongoing protection of the woodlands.

Donations to our Land fund will be spent entirely on costs associated with buying land, e.g. land price, site surveys, solicitors fees.

Biodiversity Fund

We work to improve biodiversity of flaura and fauna, creating habitats for wildlife and effectively sequestering carbon. We’ve planted acres of wildflower meadows, and kilometers of hedgerows, but these projects are often hard to fund through grants.

Support our Biodiversity Fund and we’ll spend every penny we receive on restoring the U.K.’s wildflower meadows, planting hedgerows, and anything else which can improve biodiversity.

Here’s just a few of our recent donors. If you decide to support our work why not leave a message for everyone!